Hi, I’m Carol
Your thoughts create your world. As Norman Vincent Peale said, “change your thoughts, change your world.”
Ever since I was young living in Venezuela, every aspect of the human experience and way the human mind works has fascinated me.
At 20, my fascination met with science and trust in how the mind and body are connected after taking the Silva Mind Method Course. Learning how the mind works and then how not only our thoughts but every word we speak (inside and out) literally shapes our life. Through my Masters in Education and experience teaching special needs and high school students, my trust is complete in our ability to change our skills, abilities and life.
Not to glaze over the next few decades but you must know that my experiences, both the gloriousness and the ugliness has shaped my ability to walk beside you to help you shift your life into the one you crave.
Following my honeymoon, now well over 40 years ago, I returned with near fatal viral meningitis and encephalitis. The doctor called it a “miraculous turnaround and recovery”. The following year I was blessed with my son and the increasing sadness watching my husband deep in substance abuse. I left.
My careers were amazing – from teaching to textiles to having my own floral shop turned art gallery. Life is a miracle.
Six years after my divorce, I met, married and had a beautiful daughter with my husband of over 30 years. But those years shaped who you see now. Losing my father and then watching my son move away from college sparked a depression that I would not have been able to imagine. All of my own self-work, and I am depressed?
With work, I found a path out. And I knew then that I must help others with this path.
You Always Choose.
Ontological Coaching
Our country was unstable though, and I took the opportunity to emigrate to the US with a fresh (yet terrifying) start.
Fast forward to now with amazing grandchildren and navigating the new dimensions of the relationship with my adult children and their spouses.
And still …..Continued study, learning, practicing and growing so I can support you to shift your thoughts and change your world.
My goal is to walk beside you. Help identify where you want to go and empower you to create a life where you feel excited to jump out of bed in the morning.
Thanks for reading my story. I wanted to show you that while I haven’t seen or lived through your shoes, my full life has afforded me the experience to support you no matter your circumstances. You Always Get to Choose!If you’re ready for the first step, I offer a free 30 minute call where we work on one comfortable shift you can make in your life. This isn’t a sales call – just a chance for me to pay it forward and help others. Look forward to meeting you.